
streamcordbot streamcordbot

It will display all the servers that you are managing. Proper tokens and keys required by the environment variables. Just open the StreamCord website and log in with your Discord account.


All modules in the requirements.txt file.You will likely not be able to run your own instance of Streamcord without extensive modifications of the source code. We are not offering any support for people who want to clone or redistribute Streamcord for their own use. streamcordbot Verified Weve verified that the organization streamcord controls the domain: Learn more about verified organizations. This public copy of Streamcord's source code is licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0 License. To a server you have the Manage Server permission in. Streamcord is available in these languages. You can also configure a custom whitelist to filter specific members. Streamcord can automatically add a special role to people when they start streaming on Twitch, and take it away when they stop. Upkeep notice: This repository is not consistently maintained and only receives updates at the developer's discretion. Easily know when members in your server go live. This repo does not include code for the notifications handler. We have made Streamcord open-sourced to show how a functional example of how a Discord bot can connect to and interface with the Discord API, and so that the community can help contribute to and improve Streamcord even further. Integrate with your YouTube stream chat, handle super chat events, and more Automate your OBS recording & streaming status, or modify sources & filters on the fly. Browse Twitch, get stream notifications, and listen to streams right from your Discord server. Receive fast and customizable streamer notifications in your Discord server with just a few clicks.
